I happen to find this heartbreaking (because his father failed both his kids) and wonderful (because I bet he looks great in that dress and his sister didn’t think twice just loved him). More to come but he knows he’s loved.

J, you brought them all to life in so few words. Incredible.

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Loved and free

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Slapping your daughter because of anger is not going to solve anything.

Anger at a son for putting on a dress will cure no more than yelling at someone for over-eating.

Yes, some things exist which are very unsettling to others.

Anger is not the answer as it is a destructive force.

Two persons may not agree, but anger is not the solution.

You are correct, Jimmy. While I am not enamored by the subject, I am very much affected by those I love who are in it. Since anger is not the solution, I love them, not for what they are, but because of whose they are.

Will they change? I don't know. And if they do, I rather doubt anger will be the catalyst.

Once again, Master-Storyteller Jimmy, an excellent story reminding us life is not always neat and tidy.

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Life is not neat or tidy and I really didn't want to tidy it up in this story. I don't know where it was going after the slap, but I was hoping at least one character would find peace

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Jun 8Liked by Jimmy Doom

I love that you made her happy and free. And larger than life on the screen with her sister Marie.

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That was instant inspiration. I imagined Marie's sibling in the crowd, looking up ( we all know those contests always focus on family) and thought that they had to see themselves bigger, bigger than Dad, in a better light.

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Jun 8Liked by Jimmy Doom


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Glad you like it. And not one unsubscription yet. I'm shocked.

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Jun 8Liked by Jimmy Doom

This is so beautiful. I’ll never understand how someone’s hate, or fear of something will allow them to crush the love that is freely there.

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I wasn't sure it was going to end beautiful. This time it did, and I'm happy about that.

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I love you even more than I thought possible. 🏳️‍🌈

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That's a beautiful review. Thanks Kristin.

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You are just perfect the way you are. Enjoyed

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Jun 9Liked by Jimmy Doom

What a great short vignette. You captured Marie and her brother beautifully.

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Love you, Jimmy

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