Haven't read a yarn like this one in years!

I can only imagine how much fun you had writing it.

Had me wondering about acronyms, anagrams, conspiracies, interpersonal relations, clubs, etc.

You certainly gave us a Billy from 'Family Circus' wander about the area!

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Thanks. I submitted it for an award so I don't know how much more I'm allowed to say in the comments.

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👁️👁️ You can say anything you like... I'm watching, aaaalways watching.

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Hahaha hahaha

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Excellent. I really enjoyed this one. In fact, I think I will read it again!

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That’s a good Black Mirror plot.

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Mouse at end was pretty obviously designed

for the big scream. Mystery was supposed to be fresh but was movie stale. Same old same old. 1950’s black and white.

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But Rosalind didn't scream.

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Yes. Basically, nothing happened.

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I'm not going to dissect the story for you. Sorry you didn't like it, but something absolutely did happen.

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Feeling like I wandered into the twilight zone...enjoyed this story.

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Very creepy. Very cool. Touches on that fear we all have these days, as we walk around with wiretap devices in our pockets, who's paying attention. Great job.

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And straight from fiction to reality, someone's Arris modem started encroaching my wi/fi tonight

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Ominous theremin music starts playing

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And all of a sudden there's a fog machine where the microwave used to be

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Thanks. Stoked you like it

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So much happening--it’s hard to keep track, so it whirled me in.

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Okay, the “Rodent” thing was kinda freaky, but in a fun way. Good one!!!

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wow! what an endless wow of words

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A horror.

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Wow. Quite a fun and creepy ride.

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I think a few of my exes have said that about our relationships.

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Wow. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Now I really want to know….

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Epic tale

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Wow. This one took me to the edge.

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This one was for a Substack contest. I didn't win, but it was fun to write.

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"Would the poor quality of the scarves be her undoing?"

It's always the scarves.

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I’ve had a hard time reading fiction lately but maybe the trick is just to start something you absolutely cannot put down

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So glad you like this one. I entered it in a contest and it didn't even come within sniffing distance of a prize. You just awarded me a prize. Thank you

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