That’s a rough voice he has in his head, no merci, no one thinks it funny, do they? He certainly doesn’t.

You present what it was, what it is, and then bookend the heart of it here.

Loss of blood means loss of oxygen, a heart attack and stroke for Mindy. She wouldn’t think the irony is funny either.

And they’re still fighting.

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No one thinks it's funny.

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My meaning was ‘ironic’ - the tragedy of unintended consequences is never funny, J. My fault in my choice of words.

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No, I wasnt upset about that. I was agreeing with your assessment of the situation. Lucky kid looks down on peer who got dealt a tougher hand in life. Not funny.

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Yes - and as always, asinine.

(I’m in an I hate everyone space right now - can you tell?).

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I should teach a class in that. Society drives me insane.

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Kindred spirit

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Reading the title, I automatically thought, cool. A gangster story.

But it was about kids.

And then, it got real.

No one is better than another.

He may be a junkie but he kept Mindy alive when the bullets were still flying.

Walk it back.


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I loved writing this one. It rode in a car with me across town and I almost was late to an important thing because I refused to stop writing

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What a great feeling!

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Whatever is needed, is deserved.

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Perspective is needed. Not that sporadic kind we get with a national tragedy, but consistent, operational perspective

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Jun 4Liked by Jimmy Doom

So loaded. Really great.

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Thanks. Great catharsis to write this one

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Jun 5Liked by Jimmy Doom

Wowsa. This hits hard.

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Thanks. It hit me hard

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Jun 5Liked by Jimmy Doom

Indeed be kind to your fellow man, you never know what life has presented to them, a great story and lesson Jimmy, I'm blessed to have you as a friend.

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That's the theme. Be kind. Think. Judge not.

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Jun 9Liked by Jimmy Doom

Powerful writing, Jimmy.

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Thanks Luke. Felt good to pound the keyboard with this one

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