Oh man. Some kids have to go through some serious shit. "A bell in his throat that wouldn't chime."

A cracked bell can still ring. My money is on Jack for the win.

By the way, Jimmy, kudos to you for paying it forward at the Passenger Community Center.

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Thanks. It's an honor and a joy to help people get writing. Especially since most people there have seen been through some shit.

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I feel for Jack.

Hopefully, he is able to talk to someone responsible before his life is further wrecked.

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Kids like that usually find a way. I mean, he's speaking up about things that he dislikes, he just hasn't articulated the big one yet

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That bell is a disappointment. There’s no shining epiphany possible being trotted by it in a line a half mile long.

But Jack and his long is real and his misery over his step father. I think what you say in the comments is true - he’ll find his way through. That bell in his throat is going to clear up - probably the moment he knocks his stepfather out.

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There are generations of kids who tried to tell people shit wasn't right and THEY got told they were wrong, lying or messed up

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I love some of them. A nightmare they don’t forget. Hoping it happens less these days. But doubt it.

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